Drinking Game!
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This works best with Seasons 1 and 2. And kids- alcohol is bad. Play this game with sweets. Or chips. Or jelly shots. No! Wait! Non-alcoholic jelly-shots. So, just jelly, really. In shot glasses. With a dash of vodka. No! Wait! Ooh! By the way: go to my main page. If you're lucky, you might just find a link below... No. No, actually, you definitely will find a link below. I tried to inject an element of mystery and excitement into the proceedings, but I failed. And I'm sorry. Anyway, drinking game comments? I know this isn't the only Buffy drinking game on the web, but it is quite clearly the best.
Willow makes a joke
Buffy makes a joke
Xander makes a joke
An innocent civilian dies
A vampire dies
Giles looks at a book
Buffy and/or the slayerettes meet in the library
Giles makes a weary comment about computers, teenagers, or Californian weather
Xander and Cordelia fight
Someone's trapped somewhere
Someone has a fight
Buffy and/or the slayerettes suggests an explanation for all the weird things that have happened
Slurp Someone is made into a vampire Someone kisses someone Giles doesn't understand a pop
culture reference Buffy and/or the slayerettes
disregards the advice of another A villain says 'And I would have
got away with it, if it weren't for that pesky slayer!' or words
to that effect Someone complains about their
love life A teacher dies Principal Snyder mentions his
hate of children or talks to the Mayor Oz pines over Willow Willow pines over Oz Willow pines over Xander Xander pines over Buffy Buffy pines over Angel Angel pines over Buffy Giles pines over Miss Calendar A major villain (Machida, Bezoar,
Moloch etc.) is despatched. Someone turns out to be more than
they seem... Buffy and/or the slayerettes meet
in the cafeteria Buffy and/or the slayerettes go
to the Bronze Buffy and/or the slayerettes spy
on someone Gulp Angel makes a joke Giles makes a joke A new slayerette is added to the
lineup Some vampires take advantage of
an ancient mystic festival day The Chosen One actually says
something Someone gets locked up in the
little locking-up place in the library Xander's porn habit is mentioned Buffy uses her crossbow Buffy has to lie about her slayer
paraphernalia when some of it is found by a non-slayerette A revelation is made about Giles'
past It's Oz's time of the month A really major villain (the
Master, the Chosen One, Spike etc.) is despatched One of Xander's jokes bombs Something gruesome happens during
a class Buffy has a nightmare Buffy and/or the slayerettes has
a big test Willow helps Xander study Giles or Joyce forbids Buffy to
go the Bronze Something gruesome happens at the
Bronze Bottle Buffy or a slayerette dies Someone has sex Cordelia apologises for something Fun fact! I have a poster with
that picture above my bed. Yay! By the way, it's stolen from Monkey Pants. Actually, no, it's stolen from Warner
Bros. But let's forget about that just for now, shall we?